Students in their third or fourth year are able to take these compulsory-elective seminar courses which look at translation of the spoken word. In the spring semester the course deals with the theory and practice of interpreting. Students consider the challenges facing Japanese/English and English/Japanese interpreters in a variety of professional and more informal settings. We look at academic theories and spend time in actual interpreting practice. In the autumn semester, the focus shifts to translation for the stage and screen. Students work on the translation of real scripts, further developing their translation skills as they discuss their work with their fellow students and the professor. As the semester progresses, time is spent in study and discussion of the translation challenges that are unique to translating for the theatre. Through both these courses students improve their skills in translation while also not only working on their English skills, but also reflecting on their knowledge of Japanese language and culture. Individual and group based practical work allows for active learning while students are also given the opportunity to put this into an academic framework, finally producing academic essays in English on topics that have interested them.
英語コミュニケーション演習 I-IVD
今日、英語は世界の様々な場面で、英語を母語とする人々と母語としない人々の間のみならず、英語を母語としない人々の間でも使われています。この演習では、世界における英語使用の現状と英語が果たす役割、英語の多様性について理解を深め、国際的に通用する英語とは何かについて考えます。具体的には、World EnglishesとEnglish as a lingua francaに関する英語の文献を読み、理解を深めます。World Englishesとは、世界の多様な英語を表す言葉であり、異なる文化・社会の中で使われる多様な英語の特徴と役割を認識し、受け入れていこうという考え方です。English as a lingua francaとは、母語の異なる人々の間で意思疎通のために使われる英語のことで、母語話者だけでなく他の非母語話者とも意思疎通を図ることを目的とした新しい英語教育のアプローチの名称でもあります。この演習では、特に、「日本人の英語」、異なる母語をもつ人々の間で(比較的)通じやすい英語の特徴、そのようなコミュニケーションの場面で必要となってくる力に注目しています。